KIM HwajungGraduate School of International Studies, Ewha Womans UniversityInvited Professor
KIM HyeongSeogYonsei UniversityHonorary Professor
KIM Hyun ChulNortheast Asian History FoundationSenior Research Fellow
KIM HYUN SOOKNortheast Asian History FoundationSenior Research Fellow
KIM HyunsooDankook Univ., Korean Planning AssociationProfessor, President
KIM Jae-shinKorea National Diplomatic Academy(KNDA)Senior Advisor of the Center for Japanese Studies
KIM Jang Hyun외교부외교부 아시아태평양국 심의관
KIM Jeong ChulLawfirm wooreeRepresentative lawyer
KIM JEONGDEUKJeju Social Welfare Research Center, Jeju Research InstituteDirector
KIM Jin-YoungKB Financial GroupManaging Director
KIM JinaKorea Institute for Defense AnalysesResearch Fellow
KIM JiyoonInstitute of Democracy and EducationSenior Research Fellow
KIM JonghwaCheju Halla University / Future Culture & Technology Research Initiative (FCTRI)Full professor of Intelligent Systems Engineering / Chief Director
KIM JONGSOOGKorea Women's Development InstituteSenior Research Fellow
Kim JOOJINSolutions for Our Climate (SFOC)Managing Director