HEO Ho JunThe HankyorehJournalist
Heribert HINZENDVV-InternationalFormer Director
HIRAI HisashiThe Institute for Far Eastern Studies, Kyungnam UniversityVisiting Research Fellow
HIRAIWA ShunjiNanzan Universityprofessor
HONG JunheeDepartment of Electrical Engineering, Gachon UniversityProfessor
HONG JunhyunChung-Ang UniversityProfessor
HONG MI HWAKookmin UniversityAssistant Professor
HONG Sung HwaJeju Tourism SocietyChairman
HONG WANYantai Foreign Affairs OfficeDeputy Director
HUH Won SoonKorea Economic DailyEditorial Writer
HUR Jeong-OkJeJu Institute for Lifelong Education and ScholarshipPresident
HWANG Kyeong-kabSamil PwCDirector
Ian de CRUZP4G Global HubGlobal Director
IN Nam-sikKorea National Diplomatic AcademyProfessorProfessor / Director-General