Moamen GOUDAMiddle East Economics, Hankuk University for Foreign StudiesAssociate Professor
Ramzi Kazim oglu TEYMUROVEmbassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Republic of KoreaAmbassador of Azerbaijan to the Republic of Korea
Richard HATCHETTCoalition for Epidemic Preparedness InnovationsCEO
ABE NobuyasuFormer UN Under-Secretary General for Disarmament Issues
AHN Choong-yongGSIS at Chung-Ang UniversityDistinguished Professor
AHN Se ChangMinistry of EnvironmentDirector General for Climate Change Policy
AHN Young InSBSWeather & Science Correspondent
ATTALI JacquesEuropean Bank for Reconstruction and DevelopmentFounder
BABSON BradleyNational Committee for North KoreaConsultant
BELYAKOV IlyaYouth of Russia
CAI CuihongFudan University Center for American StudiesProfessor
CAO JingTCSDeputy Secretary-General
CHENG XiaoheRenmin University of ChinaProfessor
CHENG YonghuaTaihe InstituteSenior Fellow