
China’s Technology Push under the US-China Rivalry and its Implication for Inclusive Prosperity

Today conflict between the US and China has become more serious than ever, so it is very urgent to resolve the tension for the international order and peaceful development. Yet, as the nature of US-China relations has turned into a strategic rivalry, the chance for G2 countries to cooperate for global prosperity get much lower. Especially, with the emerging so called the fourth industrial revolution that has potential for military operation, both the US and China engage in head to head competition to get upper hand in attaining the related high technology first. Interestingly, the US today tries to decouple itself from the previous close economic relations from China in order to maintain its competitive edge, because China has been able to acquire advanced technology out of its close ties with the US. Under the recent decoupling pressure from the US, China also comes to decide to build up its own technology supply chain to enhance its high-tech developing capacities.
Obviously, the process of how the G2 countries compete with each other in the new high-tech sector involves the politics of fashioning the critical nature of global economic relations in the coming years. Yet, it remains unclear if emerging efforts of China’s technology push under the US decoupling pressure can end up with a new scheme of sustainable development, which can be compatible with inclusive prosperous international economic relations. In this context, we will organize our session to exchange ideas about the process of China’s efforts to organize its supply chain to attain high-tech and innovation capacities in the context of its implications for the emerging new international economic relations. Hopefully, sharing ideas about the issue in the middle of the US and China’s increasing rivalry, we can figure out Korea’s wise policy that can foster political opportunities of peaceful and prosperous global relations.