JEON Jaeman
Center for Chinese Studies, IFANS, KNDA
Senior Adviser


전재만 대사는 국립외교원 외교안보연구소 중국연구센터 고문이다. 그는 주광저우 총영사, 주중 공사, 국가정보원 1차장, 주태국 대사를 역임하였으며, 2015년 퇴직 후에는 아시아정당국제회의(ICAPP) 사무총장 직무대리를 역임한 바 있다.

Amb. JEON Jaeman is Senior Adviser of the Center for Chinese Studies, IFANS, Korea National Diplomatic Academy(KNDA). He worked as Consul-General of Korean Consulate General in Guangzhou, Minister of Korean Embassy in the PRC, First Deputy Director of NIS and Ambassador to the Kingdom of Thailand. After retirement in 2015, he worked as Acting Secretary General of International Conference of Asian Political Parties(ICAPP).