
Making the Solution of Jeju 4・3 a Global Model: Truth, Reconciliation and Solidarity

15:20 ~ 16:40
Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, Jeju 4・3 Research Institute
Jeju 4·3, one of the greatest tragedies in Korean modern history, is moving toward reconciliation and coexistence while overcoming national and social conflicts and overcoming the pain of damage. Can the solution to the past history of 4·3, which seeks a model of reconciliation and coexistence through the truth-finding and honor restoration movement, become a global model for resolving the past? Experts from various fields will gather to discuss the reconciliation and coexistence model of the 4·3 Incident. In addition, 4·3 cannot help but bring up the issue of the United States. In this session, discussions on the public debate on the 4·3 incident in American society will also be held.