MOON Chung-in
Yonsei University/APLN
Distinguished University Professor/Vice-Chair
Making the Solution of Jeju 4・3 a Global Model: Truth, Reconciliation and Solidarity The Age of Transformation?: Asia-Pacific vs. Indo-Pacific


Chung-in Moon is the former Chairman of the Sejong Institute and the former special advisor to the ROK president for unification and national security affairs. He is also distinguished university professor at Yonsei University, editor-in-chief of GlobalAsia, a quarterly journal in English published by the East Asia Foundation, and Vice Chairman of the Asia-Pacific Leadership Network for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament. He was dean of the Graduate School of International Studies, Yonsei Univ. and served as Ambassador for International Security Affairs of the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Trade and Chairman of the Presidential Committee on Northeast Asian Cooperation Initiative, a cabinet-level post. He has published over 60 books and 300 articles in edited volumes and scholarly journals. His recent publications include The Future of East Asia (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017), co-edited with Peter Hayes, What Does Japan Think Now? (in Korean 2013, in Chinese 2016), The Sunshine Policy: In Defense of Engagement as a Path to Peace in Korea (Yonsei University Press, 2012), and Exploring the Future of China (in Korean 2010 in Korean and 2012 in Chinese). He also served as president of the Korea Peace Studies Association and Vice President of the International Studies Association (ISA) of North America.