
Catalyzing Private Sector Engagement in Development Cooperation: Partnership Strategies of China, Japan,

15:40 ~ 17:00
Korea International Cooperation Agency, Korea Association of International Development and Cooperation
The private sector can be a major source of inclusive growth and is instrumental in achieving our brand-new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The private sector is not only a source of financing but also an actor in development. More and more businesses are incorporating social and environmental sustainability criteria in their core business operations. Encouraging businesses and industry to contribute towards implementing the SDGs will be an opportunity for the Post-2015 development era, but key challenges remain. In this regard, partnerships between the private sector and the ODA-driven public sector are expected to play a key role in development cooperation. It is important to recognize that partnerships come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes and operate at all levels, from local to global. In this session, we will discuss how private sector resources and engagement can be catalyzed for development and the opportunities and risks for the public sector engaging directly with the private sector in development cooperation by sharing experiences, strategies, and lessons of China, Japan, and Korea.