KIM Sung Gyu
Seoul National Univ. Asia Center
Senior Research Fellow


Dr. Sung Gyu Kim obtained his MA from Seoul National University and a Ph.D. degree from Free Uni.(FU) Berlin(Sociology) in 2007, and was a researcher at Otto-Suhr-Institute of FU Berlin until 2007. In Korea, he was an expert committeeman of Korea's Economic and Social Development Commission and a senior research fellow of KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency). He works now at Seoul National University Asia Center (SNUAC) as a Senior Research Fellow. His main research areas include the ODA policy of South Korea and international development cooperation. He has published <A Study About Social Opportunities and a Safety Net in Developing Countries>, <A Support Strategy for Job Creation in Developing Country>, <ODA and Support Strategy for Private Company>, <Saemaul-Undong ODA and Development Cooperation>, <Global CSR and development cooperation>, <Post-2015 development goals (Post MDGs) in the viewpoint of donor agency> etc. He is also active in the Korea Association of International Development and Cooperation (KAIDEC) as an executive director.