
지속가능한 경제성장, 키워드는 성평등!

10:50 ~ 12:10
제주특별자치도, 세계여성이사협회 한국지부
크리스탈 홀 C
Gender equality is the best investment that drives economic growth and sustainable development. The real background for the economic growth is due to gender-equal labor markets-that women have the same rights and obligations as men in the workplace and take an active part at the same level as men. Gender equality gives us a comparative advantage- as the most valuable asset in any country is the value of its people.
Increasing of women’s share in management positions is an important global issue for economic and social development.
Through the Jeju Forum, we aim to share the key questions and problems at stake and discuss successful cases and policies in different countries. The sessions will center around the following questions: How can gender equality influence a firm’s productivity levels? What can be done to improve the share of women’s executives? What are the common challenges that women face? How did other countries overcome similar challenges?