
포스트 코로나 시대 세계시민으로서의 한민족 공동체

It is known that ecological destruction due to climate change is the main cause of COVID-19 and the suffering it has brought to mankind.

Climate change results from excessive fossil-fuel emissions caused by modern materialistic society. Therefore, global citizenship must become mainstream in the post-COVID-19 era. Economic competitions between countries only makes global environmental issues more difficult to solve.

Korea, which curbed the spread of COVID-19 with its ‘K-Quarantine Model’, must lead the spread of global citizenship, and the 7.5 million overseas Koreans in particular, must actively participate in this endeavor.
Until now, Koreans have focused on economic growth and peace on the Korean Peninsula. However, now is the time for Korea to join the ranks of advanced countries and broaden its viewpoint by embracing the concept of global citizenship and taking steps toward peace and environmental preservation. Only then will peace on the Korean Peninsula be achieved.