
전환기 속 한반도평화프로세스: 돌파인가 상황관리인가?

10:50 ~ 12:10
다이아몬드 홀 A
Reassessment of North Korean policies, which has been in process since Biden’s inauguration, is now at its final stages. Korean Peace Process which has been at an impasse since the Hanoi Summit is once again at a crossroad with recent diplomatic events including the Trilateral National Security Advisor Summit, South Korea-US 2+2 Talks and ROK-China Foreign Minister Talks. In a situation where North Korea is refusing to talk since the Hanoi breakdown and driving up tensions in the region through the recent missile tests, many are watching whether the Moon administration can resuscitate the Korean Peace Process through close coordination with concerned parties including the United States, Japan, and China. On the one hand, there are growing voices that are expressing that with only a year left in office, there are limitations for the Moon administration to greatly improve inter-Korean relations and produce tangible results for denuclearization. Thus, a more realistic approach would be stabilizing the current situation for the incoming government. With only a year left to the next presidential elections, we ask experts on the issue of what is the task left for the Korean Peace Process and the direction it should be heading.