The 6th Jeju Forum evaluated the challenges and opportunities the rise of China and the reunification of the Korean peninsula will offer. The Forum also took note of the great potential of new growth on the basis of the Asian entrepreneurship. With this background, various programs on Korea-China economic cooperation are prepared. The contents of new standard and its perspectives were reviewed. New growth potential, creative industry, new leadership, the future of education and the role of women were also addressed. Peace and common prosperity on the Korean peninsula and East Asia through the promotion of mutual understanding was discussed. The cultural exchanges and fusion in East Asia was reviewed and we evaluated how it is promoting the sense of community among the Asian peoples. Various issues of peace in East Asia such as the resolution of the North Korean nuclear problem, historical reconciliation and maritime security are among the topics. The recent natural disaster of Japan was reviewed and among the related topics are how to deal with the climate change and natural disasters.

Host: Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, International Peace Foundation, East Asia Foundation, JoongAng Ilbo 
Organizer: Jeju Peace Institute 
14:00 ~ 15:10
[10-B] Power Succession in North Korea and the Prospects for Opening and Reform
북한의 권력계승과 개방개혁 전망
Crystal Hall A
T. J. PEMPEL (Professor, Political Science, University of California at Berkeley)

OKONOGI, Masao (Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Law and Graduate School, Keio University)
JO, Dongho (Professor, North Korean Studies, Ewha Womans University)
John Patrick DELURY (Assistant Professor, Graduate School of International Studies, Yonsei University)
John Harold SWENSON-WRIGHT (Director, Faculty of Asian & Middle Eastern Studies, University of Cambridge)
JIN, Jing yi (Professor, Center for Korean Studies, Peking University)

티 제이 펨펠(캘리포니아주립대학교 정치학 교수)

오코노기 마사오(게이오대학교 법정대학 명예교수)
조동호(이화여자대학교 북한학 교수)
존 들러리(연세대학교 국제학대학원 조교수)
존 스웬슨 라이트(켐브리지대학교 아시아연구센터 소장)
진징이(북경대학교 코리아연구센터 교수)

The ongoing effort for power succession within the Kim family in North Korea goes against the worldwide trend towards democratization. In this session, Experts will talk about how the current situation in North Korea will change the nature of the regime, with the focus on the followings:
- Will the attempt to cling to power within the Kim family succeed?
- How will the power succession turn out? Will there be a serious power struggle?
- Is there a possibility that the regime will collapse during the transition period?
- What would be the most desirable measures to be taken by Korea, the U.S. and China, respectively, in the event of an unstable North Korean regime? In which areas could they collaborate with each other?
- Is the current power succession within the Kim family compatible with innovative measures or an open-door policy?
- Can the North Korean style modernization be realized? If so, how?

북한에서 추진 중인 세습적 권력계승은 민주주의를 지향하는 세계사적인 흐름에 역행하고 있습니다. 북한의 이 같은 움직임이 대내외적인 변화와 맞물려 어떻게 체제의 성격을 변화시킬 것인가에 대해 전문가들의 견해를 듣습니다.
- 북한의 세습적 권력승계, 성공할 것인가?
- 북한의 권력세습 과도기에 권력투쟁은 어떤 양상으로 나타날 것인가?
- 권력세습 과도기에 북한‘정권’이 무너질 가능성은 얼마나 있는가?
- 북한 정권이 불안정하게 될 때에 미국 중국 한국은 각각 어떤 정책을 취하는 것이 바람직하며 상호 협력할 수 있는 분야는 무엇인가?
- 세습적 권력승계는 개혁 개방과 양립할 수 있는가?
- ‘북한식 현대화’는 과연 실현 가능한가? 가능하다면, 어떻게 가능한가?

