The 6th Jeju Forum evaluated the challenges and opportunities the rise of China and the reunification of the Korean peninsula will offer. The Forum also took note of the great potential of new growth on the basis of the Asian entrepreneurship. With this background, various programs on Korea-China economic cooperation are prepared. The contents of new standard and its perspectives were reviewed. New growth potential, creative industry, new leadership, the future of education and the role of women were also addressed. Peace and common prosperity on the Korean peninsula and East Asia through the promotion of mutual understanding was discussed. The cultural exchanges and fusion in East Asia was reviewed and we evaluated how it is promoting the sense of community among the Asian peoples. Various issues of peace in East Asia such as the resolution of the North Korean nuclear problem, historical reconciliation and maritime security are among the topics. The recent natural disaster of Japan was reviewed and among the related topics are how to deal with the climate change and natural disasters.

Host: Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, International Peace Foundation, East Asia Foundation, JoongAng Ilbo 
Organizer: Jeju Peace Institute 
17:00 ~ 18:10
[12-B] International Conservation Area and Jeju Model of Conservation
국제보호구역과 제주형 보전모델
Crystal Hall B
CHOI, Chung Il (Chair, UNESCO, Man & Biosphere Programme, International Coordinating Council)

LEE, Byung-Wook (Professor, Sejong University)
LEE, Sang Don (Professor, Ewha Womans University)
CHO, Do-Soon (Professor, Catholic University of Korea)
YOON, Yong-Taek (Professor, Jeju National University)

최청일(유네스코 MBA국제조정이사회 의장)

이병욱(세종대학교 교수/전 환경부차관)
이상돈(이화여자대학교 교수/한국습지학회 회장)
조도순(카톨릭대학교 교수)
윤용택(제주대학교 교수)

There are reasons for Jeju to be an environmental icon: entitled with an environmental future, coexistence of human and nature, biosphere conservation area approved by the UN, the world natural heritage, and the world geology park.
- What is the current status of the international conservation model in Jeju?
- What is a universal model for natural conservation?

새로운 미래, 사람과 자연이 공존하는 제주, 유엔이 인정한 생물권보전지역, 세계자연유산, 3개의 람사르사이트, 세계지질공원, 제주가 세계의 환경보물섬이 된 그 이유가 있습니다. 세계에는 다양한 국제보호지역이 존재합니다. 또한, 그 지역의 독특한 보전방식이 존재합니다. 역사가 변하고 환경이 변하듯이 국제보호지역의 보전모델 또한, 새로운 시대에 부합하는 모델이 필요하지 않을 까요? 그것을 제주에서 찾을 가능성은 없을지에 대해 전문가들이 토론을 합니다
- 제주의 국제보호지역 보전모델은 어떠한가?
- 진정 세계에서 보편적인 모델로 제시가 가능한가?

