The 7th Jeju Forum for Peace and Prosperity reviewed these changes within historic context and highlight the future of Asia. The work of the forum was to pursue peace and common prosperity of the region on the basis of a sense of community. The interdependence and cultural fusion in Asia are surely contribute to the promotion of this sense of community. The issue of common prosperity was addressed and the potentiality of new growth on the basis of Asian entrepreneurship was explored. New growth engines, future of the IT industry, environmental conservation, sustainable management, financial cooperation, official development assistance, welfare expansion, city design, and the role of women are among the forum's topic.

Host: Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, International Peace Foundation, East Asia Foundation, JoongAng Ilbo 
Organizer: Jeju Peace Institute

13:40 ~ 15:00
[8-D] Inducing Top Foreign Universities to Jeju Global Education City
해외 유명대학의 제주국제자유도시 유치 방안
Crystal Hall D
[Jeju Free International City Development Center (JDC)]

ANN, Choonyong (Chairman, Regulatory Reform Committee)

LEE, Sungho (General Director, Edu-city Dept., JDC)
KIM, ChoonHo (President, SUNY Korea)
Ian GOW (Professor and Executive President, The SinoBritish College, USST)
Kevin KINSER (Associate Professor, State University of New York at Albany)

MOON, Guemji (Senior Manager, Edu-city Dept JDC)

안충영 (규제개혁위원회 위원장, 중앙대학교 석좌교수)

발표 및 토론
이성호 (JDC 교육사업처 처장)
김춘호 (한국 뉴욕주립대학교 총장)
이안 고우 (The Sino-British College 총장)
케빈 킨서 (뉴욕주립대학교 교수)

문금지 (JDC 교육도시과 과장)

This session will center on a discussion of how to bring top quality foreign universities to Jeju Global Education City, in order to develop Jeju into one of the best cities for international education in Asia. The case of Songdo Global University Campus, where top class foreign universities and research institutes will be established, and the case studies of successful similar initiatives reviewed, and finally relevant future tasks for Jeju outlined.

아시아 최고의 국제교육도시로 발돋움하기 위하여 영어교육도시 내 외국 명문대학 유치에 대하여 토론합니다.

현재 외국 명문대학 및 연구소 유치를 위해 건립되고 있는 송도 글로벌대학 캠퍼스에서의 유치 사례들과 해외에서의 명문대 유치에 성공한 사례에 대하여 직접 들어보면서 외국 명문대학을 유치하기 위한 제주의 과제와 앞으로의 방향성에 대하여 토론합니다.

