This year, the Jeju Forum hosted 3,672 participants from 49 countries, the largest number in the forums history, signaling its growing importance as an international forum that deals comprehensively with a variety of topics. With one voice, Asian political leaders and erudite scholars from around the world expressed their yearning for peace on the Korean Peninsula, and delivered the East Asian communitys shared vision of a peaceful, constructive resolution to historical and territorial disputes in Asia, founded on mutual understanding.  Seeking global cooperation that befits this anticipated paradigm shift, a broad range of topics was considered, including the economy, culture, women, energy, and climate change. As a result of these discussions, new measures were devised to respond effectively to various crises and changes.Based on the fruits of this years discussions.

Host: Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, International Peace Foundation, East Asia Foundation, JoongAng Ilbo 
Organizer: Jeju Peace Institute

10:40 ~ 12:00
[7-C] [Diplomats' Roundtable] New Waves and the Future of East Asia
[외교관라운드 테이블] 새로운 물결과 동아시아의 미래
Room C
Moderator: KIM, Yong-kyoo (Chairman, Korean Council on Foreign Relations)
Konstantin VNUKOV (Ambassador, Embassy of Russia)
Rolf MAFAEL (Ambassador, Embassy of Germany)
Vishnu PRAKASH (Ambassador, Embassy of India)
John A. PRASETIO (Ambassador, Embassy of Republic of Indonesia)
CHO, Chang-Beom (Former Ambassador to Austria / Vice President, World Federation of United Nations Associations)
Rapporteur: KANG, Chan Koo (Program Officer, East Asia Foundation)

사회: 김용규 (한국외교협회 회장)
콘스탄틴 브누코브 (주한 러시아 대사)
롤프 마파엘 (주한 독일 대사)
비쉬누 프라카쉬 (주한 인도 대사)
존 프라스티오 (주한 인도네시아 대사)
조창범 (前 오스트리아 대사 / 유엔협회세계연맹 부회장)

라포터: 강찬구 (동아시아재단 간사)

It is expected that a new international order will appear in East Asia according to recent changes in leadership of the major countries. In this session, ambassadors to Korea will discuss and share their views and opinions on newly emerging paradigms in East Asia for future cooperation.

최근 동아시아 주요국에서 정권 교체가 일어나는 등 글로벌 리더십이 교체됨에 따라 새로운 국제질서가 태동될 것으로 예상됩니다. 글로벌 리더십의 변화로 동아시아지역의 미래에 있어서 어떠한 새로운 패러다임이 만들어져 가고 있는 지에 대한 주한 대사들과의 토론을 통해 관련국들의 대응방식은 무엇인지 각국의 입장에 대한 깊이 있는 대화를 나눌 수 있는 자리를 마련하고자 합니다

