At the forum, domestic and international participants from 60 sessions dealt with various issues ranging from international cooperation & security, economy & business, culture, gender, community development, and the environment, and had wide discussions on regional and global cooperation and challenges beyond the Asias paradox for new Asia. And the Trilateral cooperation Secretariat participated in the forum for the first time, organizing 3 concurrent sessions, and contributed to the Jeju Forums goal of peace and prosperity in Korea, Japan, and China. 

Host: Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, International Peace Foundation, East Asia Foundation, JoongAng Ilbo 
Organizer: Jeju Peace Institute

15:40 ~ 17:00
[5-A] E-Government for the Future We Want: Trends of Development in Asia|아ㆍ태 지역의 전자정부 잘전 동향과 新 아시아 설계
Room A

Every other year since 2008, United Nations Department of Economic Social Affairs draws e-Government development index (Online service index + Telecommunication infrastructure index + Human capital index) of 193 member states. Based on this UN E-Government Survey, UN POG will analyse the trends and challenges of e-Government in Asia and the Pacific region. It is also expected that in this session, the scholars, experts, and policy makers will discuss innovative measures of e-Government and public administration that could contribute to design new Asia.

2008년 이후 격년으로 UN 회원국 193개국을 대상으로 조사하는 UN 전자정부 평가(전자정부 발전지수=온라인 서비스지수+통신인프라 지수+인적자원 지수) 보고서를 바탕으로, 아·태 지역 국가들의 전자정부 발전 동향 및 과제를 분석합니다. 또한 이에 대한 학계 전문가 및 정부인사들의 토론을 통해 전자정부 및 공공행정에 관련된 新아시아의 설계 방향을 제시하고자 합니다.

File 5-a_유엔거버넌스센터_140502(최종).pptx
