LEE Sang Ho
Jeju National University
Jeju RIS Officer Leader
The Role of the Regional Innovation Platform for Everyone's Value and Regional Innovation


Dr. Sang Ho LEE has significantly advanced South Korea’s pharmaceutical industry through his 15-year tenure at a leading domestic pharmaceutical company, contributing to the commercialization of three new drug candidates. He furthered this impact during his 4 years and 7 months as a BioPD at KEIT, where he managed a substantial biotech budget of KRW 120 billion, fostering the development of improved drugs and supporting technological advancements for global market entry. Presently, as the Dean of the College of Pharmacy at Jeju National University, Dr. LEE is dedicated to cultivating industrial pharmacy professionals, essential for Jeju’s drug development initiatives. Additionally, he leads the Sustainable Bio & Healthcare Resilience Unit of Jeju’s Regional Innovation Platform, striving to nurture talent and build a sustainable clean bio-industry ecosystem in the region.