
CHOE Wongi works at the Korea National Diplomatic Academy as a professor of Indo-Pacific Studies and is the Head of its Center for ASEAN–India Studies. His current research interests include South Korea’s regional role and strategy, the geo-political dynamics, maritime security and regional architecture in the Indo-Pacific.
His most recent writings include “AUKUS: Strategic Implications for Regional Security” (in Korean, February 2024); “Why Seoul Should Embrace New Delhi in its Strategic Outlook” (2024); “China’s Change of Status Quo in the South China Sea and Prospects for Maritime Order in East Asia” (in Korean, December 2023); “US-China Rivalry and the Atrophy of ASEAN Centrality” (in Korean, December 2023); “ROK’s Indo-Pacific Strategy: Achievements to Date and Challenges Ahead” (in Korean, October 2023); “India’s Muli-alignment Diplomatic Activism and Implications for ROK-India Strategic Partnership” (in Korean, May 2023); “South Korea’s New Southern Policy: the Limits of Indo-Pacific Geopolitics” (April 2023); “The ROK’s Indo-Pacific Strategy under President Yoon: Key Elements and Strategic Implications” (December 2022); “The Quest for Strategic Balance and South Korea’s Indo-Pacific Conundrum” (August 2021), etc.
He received BA and MA in international relations from Seoul National University and PhD in political science from University of Washington.