Kit Hoi LI
United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs
Peace Builder
Building Bridges, Fostering Peace: Youth-Led Initiatives for Regional Cooperation


Kit Hoi LI is currently a researcher at the UN DPPA, a Ph.D. student at the University of Sydney, and a graduate lawyer. He earned his Master’s degree from Harvard University. His research focuses on socio-cultural citizenship, specifically on redefining traditional concepts of citizenship by elevating the perspectives of marginalized groups over the conventional top-down narratives. At the UN DPPA, Kit Hoi has been part of the Futuring Peace in NorthEast Asia project, co-authoring the policy proposals on Digital Literacy programs. His work emphasizes the use of digital literacy for cross-border collaboration and the development of a regional identity, key interests that inform both his research and professional endeavors. Additionally, Kit Hoi recently founded “Chat it Forward,” a charity designed to democratize information exchange among prospective and current students, university alumni, or staff in Australia. This initiative aims to dismantle barriers to educational insight, providing free access in contrast to the increasingly commercialized space of school admissions.