
Professor KIM Heungchong joined the faculty of the Graduate School of International Studies, Korea University as a Professor by Special Appointment in September, 2023. He is currently an advisory board member of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy of ROK, and a member of Korea-Russia Dialogue. He is one of the International Advisory Board in TDRI, Thailand, and an International Advisory Council member of WDET. He has been deeply involved in policy-making process of the Korean government in the economic, trade and diplomatic policy areas.
Before his academic position, he was President of the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, and chaired the Korea National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation in 2020~23. He was Presidents of the European Studies Association of the Asia-Pacific (2021~22), and of the Korean Association of the EU Studies (2021). He was President of the Korea APEC Studies Association (2021~24). He co-chaired a TF of Think20 India in 2023.
Professor KIM was a Fulbright Scholar in the UC Berkeley (2008~09), and was an Honorary Member of High Table in Christ Church, Oxford (2000~01). He has published more than 90 papers and books, and has actively contributed to various newspapers and TV programs in Korea and abroad. He read economics at Seoul National University and the University of Oxford.