Oyundalai ODKHUU
United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs
Peace Builder
Building Bridges, Fostering Peace: Youth-Led Initiatives for Regional Cooperation


Oyundalai ODKHUU is a youth peace builder and author of policy recommendations in the "Futuring Peace in Northeast Asia" project – a regional initiative by the United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (UN DPPA). Since joining the program, she has actively participated in various online and onsite meetings, including speaking engagements such as the 18th Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Kyoto, Japan. At the IGF, she discussed leveraging emerging technologies and digital literacy programs to build peace and foster connectivity in Northeast Asia. Currently, Oyundalai is involved in establishing the national IGF in Mongolia to address internet-related issues. With previous experience as a researcher in a national policy think tank, she analyzed political ideologies, public policies, and human rights education. Oyundalai aims to continue engaging various stakeholders in open dialogues to represent the perspectives of youth and future generations on critical issues such as public policies, and human rights. She is a Young and Emerging Evaluator (YEE), a member of the Mongolian Evaluation Association (MEA), and actively participates in Evaluation Youth Asia communities.