HADI UmarEmbassy of Republic of IndonesiaAmbassador
HALLGREN JakobAmbassador of Sweden to the Republic of Korea
HAN Seung-sooFormer Prime Minister of South Korea
HAYES PeterNautilus InstituteDirector
HEO YoonGSIS at Sogang UniversityDean
HOANG Young-juBusan University of Foreign StudiesProfessor
HONG JinpyoFormer Standing Member of the National Human Rights Commission
HONG Sook-HeeJeju Institute for Lifelong Education and ScholarshipDirector of Strategic Planning
HONG Sung-HwaJeju National UniversityProfessor
HONG JinhoMEA Law FirmAttorney
HOWE Brendan M.Ewha Womans UniversityProfessor of International Relations
HUH Won-SoonThe Korea Economic DailyEditorial Writer
HUR Jeong-OkJeju Institute for Lifelong Education and ScholarshipPresident
HYEON Byung-HwanDaejeon UniversityProfessor
HYUN Ki-YoungWriter