
With Pandemic: Changes in Industrial Environment and Sustainable Global Co-prosperity Strategy

15:20 ~ 16:40
East Asia Foundation
Crystal Hall C
It has been more than a year since humanity began its coexistence with COVID-19. Due to the unprecedented pandemic, governments, corporations and individuals have all struggled to survive and adapted to the new everyday life. Constriction of daily orbit and normalization of ‘untact’ daily life have brought about monumental changes from an individual’s purchasing patterns to industrial structure and trade environment. Despite the limitation of freedom of movement and strengthening exclusive regionalism inflicted by the US-China rivalry with the debate over who to be blamed for this lingering Covid-19 crisis, the fundamental nature of interdependence in complex global supply and value chain has proven that mutual exchanges at governmental and business levels are essential. In this session, through the eyes of distinguished experts, we look at where the industrial ecosystem stands and its changing trend in this pandemic era as well as the sustainable global co-prosperity strategy in the post-pandemic altered industrial environment.