
Cyber Security: Global, Regional, and National Context

16:40 ~ 18:10
East Asia Foundation
The digital age is upon us: cyber issues penetrate all aspects of national and international life. Cyber security has become fundamental to national and international security and prosperity. For the individual, it underpins freedom of expression and changes how we learn and interact. But it also carries risks to personal privacy, and to crime. The digital economy is now a core critical infrastructure, vital to prosperity, yet involving new vulnerabilities to cyber-attacks. It is creating new armies of cyber warriors, specialists in both offensive and defensive cyber ‘warfare,’ dealing with threats ranging from internal sabotage and terrorism to managing strategic warfighting capabilities including nuclear arsenals. The threats at the international level are most plain to see at strategic fault lines – such as on the Korean peninsula. The session will deal with the challenges and promise of cyber security in all aspects of modern society – in its national, regional, and global dimensions.