Time Organization Session Room
09:00 ~ 10:20 Overseas Koreans Foundation
09:00 ~ 10:20 Jeju Peace Institute
9:00 ~ 10:20 Jeju Peace Institute, University of British Columbia Knowledge Partnership Program (KPP)
Yeongju A
09:00 ~ 10:20 Jeju Peace Institute ,
Asia-Pacific Leadership Network for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament
Yeongju B
09:00 ~ 10:20 East Asia Foundation
Baeknok A
09:00 ~ 10:20 Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Baeknok B
10:20 ~ 10:50
10:50 ~ 12:10
Tamna A
10:50 ~ 12:10 East Asia Foundation
10:50 ~ 12:10 Korea Association of International Development and Cooperation,
Korea National Defense University
Baeknok B
12:10 ~ 13:30
13:30 ~ 14:50 Jeju Peace Institute
15:20 ~ 16:40 Jeju Special Self-Governing Province
13:30 ~ 14:50 Human Development Institute
13:30 ~ 14:50 The United Nations World Food Programme
Yeongju A
13:30 ~ 14:50 Korea Institute for National Unification
Yeongju B
13:30 ~ 14:50 Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Baeknok A
13:30 ~ 14:50 FAO Partnership and Liaison Office in the Republic of Korea,
Korea Association of International Development and Cooperation,
Jeju Peace Institute,
Baeknok B
14:50 ~ 15:20
15:20 ~ 16:40 Jeju Research Institute
15:20 ~ 16:40 Cheju Halla University
Yeongju A
15:20 ~ 16:40 Jeju Peace Institute,
United Nations Association of the Republic of Korea
Yeongju B
15:20 ~ 16:40 East Asia Foundation
Baeknok A
15:20 ~ 16:40 Korea Institute for National Unification
Baeknok B
15:20 ~ 16:40 Jeju Peace Institute
Ocean View
16:40 ~ 17:10
17:10 ~ 18:30 Jeju Special Self-Governing Province
17:10 ~ 18:30 Jeju Special Self-Governing Province
17:10 ~ 18:30 Korea National Diplomatic Academy
Yeongju A
17:10 ~ 18:30 Korea Institute for National Unification
Yeongju B
17:10 ~ 18:30 Jeju Peace Institute ,
Korea-Arab Society
Baeknok A
17:10 ~ 18:30 Seoul National University Asia Center
Baeknok B
18:30 ~ 20:30
20:30 ~ 21:50 TRENDS Research & Advisory
(Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates)