Time Organization Session Room
09:00 ~ 09:50 Jeju Peace Institute
Grand Ballroom
09:00 ~ 10:20 Korea Institute for National Unification (KINU)
Diamond Hall A
09:00 ~ 10:20 Jeju Global Society Association
Diamond Hall B
09:00 ~ 10:20 Jeju Special Self-Governing Province
Crystal Hall A
09:00 ~ 10:20 Jeju Free International City Development Center
Crystal Hall C
09:00 ~ 10:20 The Korea Foundation
Crystal Hall D
09:00 ~ 10:20 Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA)/Korea Association of International Development and Cooperation (KAIDEC)
Crystal Hall E
09:00 ~ 10:20 Jeju Peace Institute/Asia Pacific Leadership Network for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament (APLN)
10:00 ~ 10:50 Jeju Peace Institute
Grand Ballroom
11:00 ~ 12:10 Jeju Peace Institute
Grand Ballroom
10:50 ~ 12:10 Jeju Special Self-Governing Province,
Jeju Institute for Lifelong Education and Scholarship
Diamond Hall A
10:50 ~ 12:10 Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Diamond Hall B
10:50 ~ 12:10 Jeju Special Self-Governing Province
Crystal Hall A
10:50 ~ 12:10 East Asia Foundation
Crystal Hall C
10:50 ~ 12:10 Pyeongchang city,
The Korean Association for Public Diplomacy
Crystal Hall D
10:50 ~ 12:10 Jeju Peace Institute,
Asia Pacific Leadership Network for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament (APLN)
12:10 ~ 13:30
13:30 ~ 14:50 Jeju Special Self-Governing Province,
Jeju 4.3 Research Institute
Diamond Hall A
13:30 ~ 14:50 Northeast Asian History Foundation
Diamond Hall B
13:30 ~ 14:50 Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
The Sejong Institute
Crystal Hall A
13:30 ~ 14:50 Institute for National Security Strategy
Crystal Hall C
13:30 ~ 14:50 Cheju Halla University
Crystal Hall D
13:30 ~ 14:50 Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Crystal Hall E
14:50 ~ 15:20
15:20 ~ 16:40 Jeju Peace Institute
Grand Ballroom
15:20 ~ 16:40 Jeju Special Self-Governing Province
Diamond Hall A
15:20 ~ 16:40 Korea Human Development Institute
Diamond Hall B
15:20 ~ 16:40 Jeju Free International City Development Center
Crystal Hall A
15:20 ~ 16:40 East Asia Foundation
Crystal Hall C
15:20 ~ 16:40 Korea Diplomatic Academy, Center for ASEAN-Indian Studies
Crystal Hall D
15:20 ~ 16:40 Jeju Research Institute
Crystal Hall E
15:20 ~ 16:40 CGTN
16:40 ~ 17:10
17:10 ~ 18:30 Jeju Peace Institute,
The GCC Institute of Dankook University
Grand Ballroom
17:10 ~ 18:30 Jeju Special Self-Governing Province
Diamond Hall A
17:10 ~ 18:30 Jeju Peace Institute
Crystal Hall A
17:10 ~ 18:30 Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
European External Action Service
Crystal Hall C
17:10 ~ 18:30 Korea National Diplomatic Academy
Crystal Hall D
17:10 ~ 18:30 East Asia Foundation
Crystal Hall E
18:00 ~ 19:20 Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Diamond Hall B
20:00 ~ 21:00
Grand Ballroom
22:00 ~ 23:20 Jeju Peace Institute,
Wilson Center,
Brussels School of Governance
Diamond Hall B / Youtube