니시오카 다쓰시
주한 일본대사관


Tatsushi Nishioka is the Director of Public Information and Culture Center of the Embassy of Japan in Seoul. With the recognition that deepening mutual understanding between the people of the Republic of Korea and Japan is the essentials for stable bilateral relations, he is promoting public diplomacy through cultural cooperation, education, sports and people to people exchange programs between the ROK and Japan. So far in the past he experienced Director for Global Cooperation Division and Director for Japanese Nationals Overseas Safety Division in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Tokyo, and also he served in overseas Embassies and Missions of Japan in the United States, Indonesia, Israel, and the European Union.

니시오카 타쓰시 주한일본대사관 공보문화원장은 일한 국민의 상호이해를 높이는 것이 안정적인 일한관계 발전을 위해 꼭 필요하다는 인식을 바탕으로, 문화교류 및 인적교류, 교육ㆍ스포츠교류 등을 통한 공공외교를 추진하고 있다. 지금까지 도쿄의 외무성에서 지구규모과제 총괄과장, 해외일본인안전과장 등을 역임했으며, 재외공관으로는 미국, 인도네시아, 이스라엘, 유럽연합 일본정부대표부를 경험했다.