만레이 슈


Manray Hsu is an independent curator and critic. His intellectual work focuses on cultural conditions of globalization, the relationship between aesthetics and politics, and geopolitical situations of contemporary art.
Manray Hsu has curated exhibitions include 2000 Taipei Biennial: The Sky Is the Limit (co-curated with Jerome Sans, Taipei Fine Arts Museum); The Good Place: An International Cityscape Intervention (2001, co-curated with Hongjohn Lin, Taichung City, Taiwan); How Big Is the World? (2002, O.K Center for Contemporary Art, Linz, Austria; 2003 Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts); Wronged Attitudes (2006, co-curated with Maren Richter, Sparwasser HQ Berlin, Taiwan Cultural Center in Paris); Cracks on the Highway (2007, MAC Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro); 2008 Taipei Biennial (co-curated with Vasif Kortun, Taipei Fine Arts Museum).
Manray Hsu served as a jury member for the 49th Venice Biennale and a jury member of the Unesco Prize for the 7th Istanbul Biennial in 2001, as well as for the 2006 Hermes Prize for Korean Contemporary Artists.