중국 베이징대학


Jingyi Jin, professor of Foreign Language College in Peking University. 1982, graduated from Yanbian University, Chinese Department, and received Bachelor of Arts degree. 2001, graduated from Peking University, College of International Relations, and received Doctor of Laws. Has been a visiting scholar in Research Institute for Regional Planning and Development of Keio University, in Japan; Institute of Far Eastern Studies of Kyung Nam University, in Korea; and Academy of Korean Studies, in Korea, giving lessons about Relationship between China and Korean Peninsula, research on Korean Peninsula in Hanyang University, Korean, and Chuo University, Tokyo. And now being a professor of Foreign Language College in Peking University.

Research aspects include Modern History and Culture of Korean Peninsula, History of Relation between China and Korean Peninsula, Research on Korean Peninsula. On the basis of comprehensive understanding of the history of relation between China and Korean Peninsula from ancient to modern times, discuss and study the history of relation between China and Korean Peninsula. Guided by historical materialism methodology, system theory, theory of geopolitics, international relations theory, conduct in-depth study on the evolution of traditional relations between China and Korean Peninsula, and its influence on modern relationship, explore the laws of the history of the relationship between China and Korean Peninsula.

Publications include Academic work: Origin of China involved in the Korean War and numerous articles and book chapters over 40 articles.