전 대기자


After joining Joongang Ilbo in 1965, he served as the Foreign Editor, Washington correspondent, Executive Managing Editor and Chief Editorial Writer. He was general director, managing director, vice president of the paper.

He served as the President of Kwanhoon Press Club and Journalist-in-residence at Samsung Economic Research Institute. He was Chairman of Shinyoung Journalism Fund. He taught as lecturer at the Korea University, Sokang University and Ewha Women's University.

He graduated from George Mason University with B.A. in Philosophy, and University of Missouri, School of Journalism, with M.A. in Journalism. He was fellow of Advanced International Reporting Program, University of Columbia, School of Journalism.

He is the author of “Koreans in Washington; Koreagate Scandal and Korea-American Relations,” “Perestroika Journey in the Soviet Union” and “Machiavelli's Advice” (2003). He wrote the novel “Hamel.”

He was awarded the prize for “Outstanding Columnist” from Samsung Journalism Fund, “Outstanding Journalist” from Society of Journalism Scholars, and “Outstanding Columnist” from Chang Jee Youn Foundation.

중앙일보 국제부장, 워싱턴 특파원, 수석논설위원, 편집국장을 지내고 상무 대기자, 전무 대기자, 부사장 대기자를 거쳐 지금은 상임고문 대기자이다.
미국 조지 메이슨大 철학과를 졸업하고 미주리大 언론대학원 석사를 취득했다. 또한 콜롬비아大 언론대학원 국제보도과정을 수료했다.
한국일보 기자로 출발하여 중앙일보의 창간 멤버로 참여했다.
관훈클럽 총무, 신영기금 이사장, 대통령 통일고문회의 고문을 지냈고 고려대․서강대 강사, 이화여대 겸임교수도 지냈다.
저서로는 “워싱턴을 움직인 한국인들”(1980), “페레스트로이카 소련 기행”(1990), 칼럼집 “마키아밸리의 충고(2003)” 등이 있다.
월간 문예지 “문학사상”에 단편 “평화의 새벽”으로 신인상을 받고, 여려편의 단편소설과 장편소설 “하멜”을 썼다.