

Amb. HAN Tae-Kyu (retired) was elected as Chairman of Korean Council on Foreign Relations and assumed his duty on 1 January 2017. He has served as president of the Jeju Peace Institute for four years from October 2008, when he retired from the foreign service. He graduated from Seoul National University (BA in Law, 1967-1971), studied the foreign service course at Oxford University (1972-1973) and he started his career as diplomat in 1971.
He held positions mainly in foreign and security affairs; chancellor of the Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security(IFANS)(2004-2006), Chairman of Foreign and National Security Affairs Sub-committee of the Presidential Committee on Northeast Asian Cooperation Initiatives as additional post during the period, and Deputy Secretary-General of National Security Council (1999-2001).
He served as Secretary of Political Affairs at Korean Embassy in US (1980-1982), Director of Security Affairs Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs(1985-1987), Counselor of Korean Embassy in United Kingdom(1987-1989), Advisor to Foreign Minister(1990-1991), Minister of Korean Embassy in Canada (1991-1994), Director-General for European Affairs(1995-1996), Ambassador Advisor for International Relations in Daejeon Metropolitan City(1996-1997) before being appointed as Ambassador to Bangladesh(1997-1999), Greece(2001-2004), Thailand (2006-2008).
His publication is 'The Road to Athens' (2004).

한태규 외교협회 회장은 1949년 출생으로 1971년 제4회 외무고시에 합격하여 주미대사관 정무담당 1등서기관, 안보과장, 국방부 파견근무, 정보관리관, 국가안전보장회의 사무차장, 외교안보연구원장 등 주로 외교안보분야에서 경력을 쌓았다.
1971년 입부 후 옥스퍼드대학 외교관 과정을 수료하고, 방글라데시(1997-1999), 그리스(2002-2004), 태국(2006-2008) 대사를 역임하였으며, 국가안전보장회의 사무차장(1999-2001), 외교안보연구원장(2004-2006), 제주평화연구원장(2008-2012) 등을 지냈다. 저서로는 『아테네로 가는 길』(2004, 민음사)이 있다.