

Professor Lee Jong-won earned his Ph.D. in agricultural facility engineering from Kyungpook National University. Currently, he is a research professor at Kyungpook National University. His major field is smart farm design.
Currently, we are studying greenhouse development suitable for smart farm and future strategy for development of Korean smart farm. We have been awarded Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Livestock Food Prize for this research achievement.
He is also a member of the Honorary Research Center at the Rural Development Administration and a member of the Smart Farm Multicultural Cooperation Project.future strategy for development of Korean smart farm. We have been awarded Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Livestock Food Prize for this research achievement.
He is also a member of the Honorary Research Center at the Rural Development Administration and a member of the Smart Farm Multicultural Cooperation Project.

이종원 교수는 경북대학교에서 농업시설공학으로 박사학위를 이수하였습니다. 현재 경북대학교에서 연구교수로 재직중이며, 주요 전공 분야는 스마트팜설계분야입니다.
현재, 스마트팜에 적합한 온실개발과 한국형 스마트팜 개발에 따른 미래전략 등에 대하여 연구하고 있으며, 이러한 연구업적을 인정받아 농림축산식품부장관상을 수여한 바 있습니다.
그리고, 농촌진흥청 현장명예연구관 및 국내 스마트팜 다부처 협력사업의 전문위원과 심의위원으로 활동하고 있습니다.