

Mr. Suh Chung-ha has been President of the Jeju Peace Institute since 21 November 2016.

Mr Suh graduated with a Master's Degree in Political Science from the Seoul National University and obtained his Master of International Public Policy, The School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) at the Johns Hopkins University in Washington DC, USA. He was a Visiting Fellow at the Keio University, Tokyo, Japan and received his PhD in International Studies from the Chung-Ang University in Korea.

From 2013 to 2016, he was posted as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Singapore. Prior to his posting in Singapore, he was seconded to the Seoul Metropolitan Government to work as Ambassador for International Relations. From 2008 to 2011, Ambassador Suh was posted as an Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Hungary. Prior to his posting in Hungary, he was the Dean of Education and Training at the Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security (IFANS) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and was the Special Advisor in the Office of Planning for Light Water Reactor Project in Korea. From January to December 2005, he was the Chairman of General Working Group, Wassenaar Arrangement.

He started his diplomatic career with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFAT) since July 1979 and the posts he has undertaken are: Minister, Korean Embassy in Austria and Korean Permanent Mission to the International Organizations in Vienna; Deputy Director-General for Policy Planning, MOFAT; Director-General, National Security Council Secretariat; Counsellor, Korean Embassy in the Arab Republic of Egypt; Director, Disarmament and Nuclear Energy Division, MOFA; First Secretary, Korean Embassy in Japan and Second Secretary, Korean Embassy in the Kingdom of Sweden.

He was awarded the Commander's Cross Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary and Bronze Degree of the Pro Scientia Hungarica Medal by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in August 2011. He was also awarded the Order of Service Merit (Red Stripes) of the Republic of Korea in December 2016.

■ ~1974 경기고등학교 졸업
■ ~1978 서울대학교 정치학 학사
■ ~1983 미국 존스홉킨스대 국제대학원 국제공공정책학 석사
■ ~1984 서울대학교 대학원 정치학 석사
■ ~2012 중앙대학교 국제대학원 국제관계학 박사

■ 1979~ 제13회 외무고시 합격
■ 1992~ 주일본 대한민국대사관 1등서기관
■ 1996~ 외무부 군축원자력과 과장
■ 1998~ 주이집트 대사관 참사관
■ 2001~ 외교통상부 정책기획담당심의관
■ 2003~ 주오스트리아 대사관•주빈국제기구 대표부 공사
■ 2005~ 바세나르체제 이사회 의장
■ 2007~ 외교통상부 외교안보연구원 교수부장
■ 2008~ 주헝가리 대사관 대사
■ 2011~ 서울특별시청 국제관계대사
■ 2013~ 주싱가포르 대사관 대사
■ 2016.11~ 제5대 제주평화연구원장

■ 2011 헝가리과학원 공로훈장
■ 2011 헝가리공화국 십자훈장