에두아르도 멘데스
엘 시스테마


I am an Executive Director of the Fundamusical Simon Bolivar in Venezuela, one of the world’s leading and most innovative social programmes in the field of classical music. For over eight years, I have developed and overseen the growth and expansion of the project, with increased social inclusion and increased standards of performance and achievement. I oversee major capital projects, including the building of new educational facilities and performance spaces. I lead an institution with over 12,000 employees, and have taken responsibility for maintaining a stable and growing institution, despite unstable and challenging environments.

Achievements & Knowledge at the Fundamusical Simon Bolivar
• Overseeing a network of over 400 ‘nucleos’, nationwide, expanding in number and scope every year
• Selecting, identifying, developing and promoting musical groups throughout the institution, from
major symphony orchestras, to local choirs
• Promoting the involvement of disadvantaged and disabled musicians at every opportunity
• Overseeing the financial structure and stability of the institution
• Developing and executing fundraising and marketing strategies of artistic and educational programmes
• Overseeing institutional relationships and governmental and diplomatic levels
• Managing and supervising major capital projects
• Managing and supervising the building of new educational facilities and performance spaces
• Strategic and financial negotiations with promoters, sponsors, multinational banks, public and private institutions, for the development of artistic and educational programmes, including major international tours for multiple symphony orchestras
• Overseeing the academic curriculum and artistic seasons each year

Career Path
September 2008 – present Executive Director
Fundamusical Simon Bolivar
January 2005 – August 2008 Sectional Director for Music and Education
Fundamusical Simon Bolivar
February 2004 – December 2004 National Director of Nuclei
Fundamusical Simon Bolivar
January 2003 – January 2004 Director, Academy Division
Fundamusical Simon Bolivar
June 1996 – January 2002 Violinist and Violin Teacher
Simon Bolivar Symphony Orchestra / Chacao

I n s t i t u te of Advanced Studies of Administration and Management (Caracas-Venezuela)
2006 – 2007 Master in Public Management
Andres Bello Catholic University (Caracas-Venezuela)
1995 – 2000 Lawyer
Pedro Nolasco Colon Conservatory (Caracas-Venezuela)
1994 – 1999 Violin Teacher and Performer

에두아르도 멘데즈 대표는 클래식 음악 분야에서 가장 선도적이고 혁신적인 사회교육 프로그램인, ‘엘시스테마’로 알려진 베네수엘라 ‘시몬볼리바르음악재단’ 대표이다. 바이올린, 법학 및 공공경영을 전공하였고, 1996년부터 시몬볼리바르 교향악단 바이올린 연주자 및 강사, 음악재단 음악교육국장 등으로 활동하였다. 2008년부터 12,000명의 직원으로 구성된 음악재단 대표로서, 재단의 클래식음악교육 프로젝트의 사회 통합성을 높이고 연주 및 업적의 수준을 높이면서, 프로젝트의 확산과 발전을 위해 노력하고 있다.