

Dr. Hyun Chul Park is an expert in the filed of the infrastructure and the transportation. He obtained his Ph. D. in Transport Engineering degree from Seoul National University in 2003, and master in Transport Engineering degree from AIT in 1989. He also obtained his master in Public Administration degree from Seoul National University in 1986. After he passed the 24th Public Administration Examination, he worked at the Ministry of Transportation at the first onset of his career. He also worked at the Ministry of Construction & Transportation and Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs. He had varieties of working experience in the fields of transportation such as the urban transportation, the traffic safety, the air transportation. He built his careers in construction fields such as, the oversea construction, the regional construction and management and the national land planning as well. He had accomplished the project of trans-Asia railway feasibility study evaluation with UN ESCAP in Bangkok (first time ever). He is currently a member of the Korean Society of Transportation, a member of the Construction Committee at Jeju Special Self-Governing Province.

박현철(朴賢哲) JDC투자개발본부장은 교통, 건설 분야의 전문가이다. 박본부장은 행정고시 24회 출신으로 교통부 근무를 시작으로 건설교통부, 국토교통부에서 도시교통, 교통안전, 항공교통 등 교통분야와 해외건설, 지방국토관리, 국토계획 등 건설분야에서 두루 근무 경험을 가졌다. 근무기간 중 방콕에 있는 UN ESCAP에서 최초로 아시아 횡단철도타당성조사 프로젝트를 수행하기도 하였다. 서울대학교에서 행정학 석사를 취득(1986년) 하였으며 AIT와 서울대학교에서 각각 교통공학석사(1989년)와 박사학위(2003년)를 취득하였다. 현재 대한교통학회 정회원이며 제주특별자치도 건설심의위원회 위원을 역임하고 있다.