경희대학교 후마니타스 칼리지


Professor Young-Ae Ha (aged 64) is an expert and an educator in the field of comparative Chinese politics, local self-administration in Taiwan, and women’s studies. She obtained a bachelor’s and master’s degree in political science from Konkuk University, and received a Ph.D. in political science from National Taiwan University in 1989. She traveled to Peking University and Tsinghua University in 2010 and 2011, respectively, as a visiting scholar, and has served as an advisor to Korean Association in China, a member of Supreme Prosecutors’ Office Appeals Review Committee, chairwoman of the Kyung Hee University Women Professors’ Association, and vice president of Korea National Council of Women (KNCW). She is presently the chair of international relations at KNCW.
Outside of the academia, she is also the president of Korea-China Women’s Association and vice president of Korea-China Friendship Association, where her work won her the National Medal (2003). In addition, she is taking the lead in civilian diplomacy between Korea and China, with the title of Honorary Ambassador to Shandong, China.

하영애(河暎愛⋅64) 교수는 중국 비교정치, 대만 지방자치, 여성연구분야의 전문가이자 교육자이다. 건국대학교에서 정치외교학 학사, 정치학 석사, 1989년에 자유중국 국립대만대학에서 정치학 박사학위를 받았다. 그 후 북경대학(2010), 청화대학(2011) 방문교수를 역임하였으며,
재중국한국인회 자문위원, 고등 검찰청 항고심사회 위원. 경희대학교 여교수회 회장, 한국여성단체협의회 부회장을 거쳐 국제관계위원장을 맡고 있다.
현재 교육계 외에 사단법인 한중여성교류협회 중앙회 회장, 사단법인 한중우호협회 부회장으로 역할을 하고 있으며 국민포장 수상(2003), 중국 산동성 명예대사(2016) 등 대중국관련 민간외교에 솔선하고 있다.