

President Huh is an educator in the field of tourism as well as a university administrator. After being appointed as the 8th President of Jeju National University, he has been reappointed and is serving a consecutive term as the 9th President. President Huh obtained his Bachelor’s Degree in the Tourism Department at Jeju National University and proceeded to obtain his master’s in Tourism Management at Kyunghee University, and his doctorate from Sejong University in Business Administration. Before his presidential office, he became a tenured lecturer starting from March of 1984 at the Department of Tourism Management of Jeju National University. Since then, he has worked in various positions such as the Dean of the College of Economics and Commerce, Chairman of the Jeju National University Council, Director of the Jeju Development Institute, Committee Member of the Presidential Committee on Regional Development and as the Chairperson of the Korean University Accreditation Institute (KUAI) within the Korean Council for University Education (KCUE). He was also the president of the 5th OCU (Open Cyber University) Consortium and the 22nd president of the Korean Council for University Education. Currently, he is serving as the Committee Member of the 2nd University Education Reform Policy Advisory Committee for the Ministry of Education.

허향진(許香珍. 61) 제주대학교 총장은 관광학이 전공인 교육자이자 대학행정가이다. 2010년 2월 제주대학교 제 8대 총장으로 취임 후 2014년 2월 제 9대 총장으로 연임 중에 있다. 허 총장은 제주대학교에서 관광학과 학사, 경희대학교 관광경영학 분야에서 경영학석사, 세종대학교 경영학과에서 경영학박사학위를 취득했다. 1984년 3월부터 제주대학교 총장 취임 전까지 제주대학교 관광경영학과 교수로 재직하였으며, 제주대학교 경상대학장, 제주대학교 평의원회 의장, 제주발전연구원장, 대통령 직속 지역발전위원회 위원, 한국대학교육협의회 대학평가인증위원회 위원장, 제5대 열린대학교육협의회 (OCU 컨소시엄) 회장, 제22대 한국대학교육협의회 회장 등을 역임하였다. 현재 교육부 제2기 정책자문위원회 대학교육개혁분과 위원으로 활동하고 있다.