

Professor at Kookmin University’s School of the International Area Studies, Dr. LEE received his BA and MA in international politics from Seoul National University and his PhD in international relations from University of Tokyo. Since then he served as the research fellow at the Sejong Institute, visiting researcher at Institute of Asian Sudies in Pittsburg University and the visiting professor at Komaba Campus of University of Tokyo. His main interests include contemporary Japanese Politics, Korea-Japan Relations, and he has published and edited many works, including What is needed to Confidence Building Measures toward East Asian Commmuty(2016), Relations between South Korea and Japan 1965-2015 (2015) and The Origin of the Post-war Settlements Between Korea and Japan(1996). He is working as the director of the Institute of Japanese Studies at Kookmin University. He also serves as a member of the Policy Consultation Committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Foundation of North East Asian History etc.

이원덕 교수는 현재 국민대학교 글로벌인문지역대학 일본학과 교수로 재직 중이며 동 대학교 일본학연구소 소장을 겸임하고 있다. 이 교수는 서울대학교 외교학과를 졸업하고 동 대학원에서 외교학 석사학위를 취득하였으며 일본 도쿄대학(University of Tokyo) 대학원에서 국제관계학 박사학위를 받았다. 경력으로는 미국 피츠버그대학(University of Pittsburgh) 아시아연구소객원연구원, 일본 도쿄대학 대학원 국제사회과학 전공 객원교수 등을 역임하였다. 그외 현대일본학회 회장(2015)을 역임했고 외교부, 동북아역사재단, 민주 평통 등의 자문위원을 맡고 있다. 주요 연구 분야는 일본 정치외교와 한일관계 등이다. 주요 저서로는 《아시아공동체로의 신뢰양성 무엇이 필요한가(일본어)》 (공저,2016), 《한일관계 1965-2015 정치 편》(공편, 2015), 《한일 신시대와 공생복합 네트워크 제3권》(공저, 2012) 등이 있다.