

Professor In Namsik is currently working at the Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security, Korea National Diplomatic Academy as the Director-General for the Department of American Studies. His academic expertise is in various issues of the Middle Eastern and Islamic affairs as well as US foreign policy towards the Middle East. He used to serve for various governmental institutions in Korea as the member of policy advisory board including Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He has been actively engaged in several academic associations such as Korean Association of International Studies, Korean Association of Middle East Studies and Korean Association of Islamic Studies as the board member. Professor In went to Yonsei university (Seoul, Korea) for his BA and MA degree in political science and received his Ph.D. in Middle East politics at Durham University, UK. His latest article “US and Russia‘s Foreign Policy towards the Middle East: Divergence in Geopolitical Approaches“ (in Korean) appears in a recent issue of Korea and World Politics in March 2016.

인남식 교수는 현재 외교부 국립외교원 미주연구부장으로 재직중이며, 중동-이슬람권 국제관계 및 미국의 대외정책을 전문적으로 연구하고 있다. 국방부 및 외교부 정책자문위원으로 활동했으며, 현재 한국 국제정치학회, 한국 중동학회 및 한국 이슬람학회 이사를 맡고 있다. 연세대에서 정치학사 및 석사 그리고 영국 Durham 대학 중동이슬람연구원 (Institute for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies) 에서 중동정치학박사 학위를 취득했다. 최근 연구인 “미국과 러시아의 대중동정책변화 고찰: 오바마와 푸틴정부의 지정학적 중동전략을 중심으로” (한국과 국제정치 제32권 1호, 2016 봄) 등 다양한 논문과 저작이 있다.