

Dr. Intaek Han is Research Fellow and Director of Research at the Jeju Peace Institute (JPI), an independent, non-profit think tank located in Jeju, South Korea (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeju_Peace_Institute). His research focuses on nuclear strategy, security cooperation, and public diplomacy. He has written about a broad range of nuclear issues, including South Africa’s denuclearization, nuclear-free zones, NATO’s nuclear policy, and US nuclear umbrella. He was an advisor to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Ministry of Unification. Prior to joining the Jeju Peace Institute, he taught at Ewha Womans University, the University of Washington, Seattle and the University of California, Davis. Dr. Han received his Ph.D. in political science from the University of California, Berkeley, and his M.A. in political science and B.A. in economics from Seoul National University.

한인택 제주평화연구원 연구위원 (연구실장)
한인택 박사는 제주평화연구원의 외교안보 전문가로서, 핵전략, 안보협력, 공공외교에 관한 연구를 수행하고 있다. 남아프리카의 비핵화, 비핵지대조약, NATO의 핵전략, 미국의 핵우산 등에 관한 논문과 보고서를 저술하였고, 외교부와 통일부에 자문을 제공하였다. 제주평화연구원에 부임하기 전에는 이화여자대학교, University of Washington, Seattle, University of California, Davis에서 강의하였다. 서울대 경제학과에서 학사학위, 同 대학교 외교학과에서 석사학위, University of California, Berkeley 정치학과에서 박사학위를 취득하였다.