건국대학교 통일인문학연구단


Jeon Young-Sun holds B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. in Korean Language and Literature at Hanyang University in 2001.
His major research interest is in North Korean literature policy but also extend to the relations between the public policy and daily lives of North Korean people.
He lectured North Korean society at Ewha Womans University, Korea University, Konkuk University, and Dongguk University. Also, he is active at the Unification Ministry, the North Korean Research Institute of Science and Technology, and the North Korean Arts Research Institute.
He is in Presidential Committee on Preparation for Unification as a social culture expert member since July, 2014 and the North Korea studies society as a member of board of directors and a chair of social culture department since January, 2014 and Vice Chairman of the North Korean Society of Science and Technology as well.

전영선은 2001년 한양대학교에서 문학박사학위를 취득했다. 그의 주요 연구는 북한 문화정책과 북한 사람들의 일상(생활문화)이다. 그는 이화여자대학교, 고려대학교, 건국대학교, 동국대학교에서 북한 사회문화를 강의하였다. 또한, 그는 통일부 자문위원, 북한연구학회, 남북문학예술연구회에서 활동하고 있다. 대한민국 대통령 직속 통일준비위원회 전문위원, 북한연구학회 사회문화분과 위원장, 북한 학회부회장으로 활동하고 있다.