

이상률 박사는 한국항공우주연구원 우주분야 1호 엔지니어로, 2021년 3월 원장에 취임하여 한국의 항공우주 기술 개발을 담당하는 정부출연 연구소를 이끌고 있다.

부원장, 항공우주시스템연구소 소장, 위성연구본부장, 다목적위성체계그룹장 등을 역임하였고 다목적실용위성1/2호 시스템실무 총괄, 다목적실용위성3/5호사업단장, 정지궤도복합위성사업단장, 달탐사사업단장 등을 거치면서 우리나라의 저궤도, 정지궤도 실용급 인공위성개발과 우주탐사에 주도적인 역할을 하였다.

서울대에서 항공공학 학사, 석사 학위를 취득하였고 프랑스 폴사바티에 대학교에서 자동제어(우주응용) 박사 학위를 취득하였다. 2000년에 국민포장, 2007년에는 과학기술훈장 웅비장을 수상하였다.

Dr. Sang-Ryool LEE is President of Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI), a government-funded research institute responsible for the development of aerospace technology in the Republic of Korea. He has been President of KARI since March 2021.

Prior to his appointment, he was Director of the Lunar Exploration Program Office where he led the development of Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter (KPLO) from 2019-2021. Also, he was Vice-President, Executive Director of Aerospace Systems Lab, and Executive Director of Satellite R&D Head Office. He has contributed to the research and development of LEO Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite (KOMPSAT) series since the KOMPSAT-1. He served as Director of KOMPSAT-5 which is the first Synthetic Aperture Radar Satellite in Korea. He also served as Director of GEO-KOMPSAT-2 Program Office.

He earned Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in Aeronautical Engineering from Seoul National University and holds a doctorate in Automatic Control for Space Application from Paul Sabatier University, France. He was awarded with the Civil Merit Medal and the Order of Science and Technology Merit in 2000 and 2007 respectively.