전 중국 재정부 부부장


Research Institute for Fiscal Science, Ministry of Finance (MOF), Master of Economics in 1985
Beijing Technology and Business University Bachelor of Economics in 1982

Professional Experience:
1988-1992 Secretary of the Secretariat (at Deputy Director level) at Research Institute for Fiscal Science, MOF

1992-1993 Deputy Director of Division of Energy, Industry and Communication in Department of the World Bank, MOF

1993-1994 Director of Division of Agriculture in Department of the World Bank, MOF

1994-1996 Alternative Executive Director (Representing China) of the World Bank Group

1997-1998 Deputy Director General of Treasury Bond and Finance Department, MOF

1998-2001 Director General of International Affairs Department, MOF

2001-2004 Executive Director of the World Bank Group

2005-2007 Director General of International Affairs Department, MOF

2007-May 2010 Assistant Minister, MOF

May 2010 to June 2018 Vice Minister, MOF

July 2018 till now Counsellor of the State Council of PRC