

Mr. LEE Taeho is Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea. Prior to his appointment at this position in September 2018, he served as Deputy Minister for Economic Affairs in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and subsequently as Secretary to the President for Trade.

Since joining the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1982, Mr. Lee was engaged mostly in economic diplomacy and trade negotiations throughout his career. He served as Director-General for Multilateral Trade with the responsibility of coordinating the inter-agency work relating to WTO and APEC as well as Director-General for Free Trade Agreement (FTA) Policy and then worked for the Minister for Trade as his Special Advisor.

Previously, Mr. Lee served as Director of the Trade Policy Planning Division and as Director of the WTO Division. He also served briefly as staff member of the Presidential Committee on Northeast Asian Cooperation Initiative before taking the position of the Deputy Director-General for the FTA Affairs.

He served as Korean Ambassador to the Kingdom of Morocco. He worked as a career diplomat in various Korean overseas missions, which include the Korean Embassy in Washington, D.C., United States; the Korean Embassy in Prague, Czech Republic; the Korean Permanent Mission in Geneva, Switzerland; the Korean Embassy in Dhaka, Bangladesh; and the Korean Delegation to the OECD in Paris, France. He also worked for the head (Executive Secretary) of the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP) headquartered in Bangkok, Thailand as his cabinet staff member.

이태호 차관은 1982년 외교부에 입부한 이후 외교부의 통상교섭 분야 주요 보직을 두루 거친 경제통상 전문가로, 다자통상국장, 자유무역협정정책국장, 통상교섭본부장 특별보좌관, 경제외교조정관, 청와대 통상비서관 등을 거쳐 2018년 9월부터 외교부 제2차관으로 재직중이다.