
자치경찰제 활성화를 위한 제도적 접근(자치경찰제 시행과 형사법 개정에 따른 쟁점과 전망)

The local Police Municipal System is made to invest the local government with police authority to take duties of the police’s installation, maintenance, and operation. In this system, direction and supervision are divided into police agencies and local governments. The background of the system’s introduction also reflected concerns that if the police’s authority increases due to the adjustment of the prosecution and police investigation rights, it could cause damage to the people as it did in Korean history in the past.
If the local police municipal system is implemented, it will become more responsible for the security of the region and the service of the people. The crime rate and kindness can be important evaluation factors for local heads and organizations. As the budgeting process is simplified, the speed and efficiency of the project can also be high. The first implementation is scheduled for July 1 in Korea. However, conflicts between local governments and police emerged in the process of enacting and institutionalizing related ordinances.
In this session, we will look at the newly introduced autonomous police system as a way to establish social safety and order, which is essential for sustainable peace. It will also review various issues of the recently revised criminal law system and consider ways to improve it. In particular, the Jeju municipal police, which was first introduced in the country in 2006, is the only one to operate in a dualized structure and will seek results and future tasks.