
탄소중립사회를 위한 분산에너지기반 전력시장과 사업모델

Many major countries around the world, including Korea, are going through a period of change: a transition from a carbon-based society, relying on coal fuel, to a carbon-neutral society, focusing on renewable energy. It is a well-known fact that the world is paying attention to the subject of overcoming climate change in order to restore sustainable habitats.
This session aims to discuss how to create a business model in a decentralized energy special zone. Jeju is the leading region in the renewable energy sector in S. Korea and must solve the imbalance in demand and supply of renewable energy simultaneously. Therefore, we will discuss solutions and implementation strategies to overcome the current problem of renewable energy supply systems in Jeju. We will discuss ways to address the most urgent requests of renewable energy operators in Jeju. Based on the establishment of a new power demand system, we will look for alternatives to establish a support system that can guarantee economic feasibility and create a sustainable industrial ecosystem.