
UNEP FI 아태지역 라운드 테이블: 기후 변화 리스크와 탄소 중립 자산 포트폴리오

As the Paris Climate Agreement became effective, many countriesd the new goal of national carbon neutrality. Various governments, industries, and financial institutions are making various efforts to achieve this goal.
Promoting carbon neutrality in the asset portfolio raises various issues. In particular, it is necessary to consider the TCFD recommendations, such as governance, strategy, risk management, climate scenario analysis, quantitative target management, and disclosure. This process might involve a wide range of problems, including organization, competency, technology, data, financial service configuration, and so on.
In this session, Korean financial institutions, supervisory agencies, and media will discuss the vision and implementation plan of the net zero asset portfolio and related problems and solutions in the implementation process. Through this, we intend to derive implications for financial institutions and supervisory institutions in other countries that are in a similar situation to those of Korean financial institutions.