LIM Choon-Bong
Jeju Free International City Development Center(JDC)
Director General / Member of Board of Directors


CHOON-BONG LIM is a member of board of directors for Jeju free international city development center(JDC) in charge of management & planning headquarter. He holds a bachelor’s degree from konkuk university in the field of law, worked as an administrative officer for Ministry of strategy and finance. He joined JDC in 2002 and has held several positions including management & planning team director, development department director, media&PR director, audit department director, management innovation department director, etc.

임춘봉 JDC 경영기획본부장은 1987년에 건국대학교 법학과를 졸업하고 재정경제부 경제정책국 행정사무관을 거쳐, 2002년부터 제주국제자유도시개발센터에서 경영기획팀장, 개발1처장, 홍보실장, 감사실장, 경영혁신실장을 역임하고, 현재 경영기획본부장을 맡고 있다.