Australian National University
Associate Professor


Dr. Stephan Frühling is an Associate Professor in the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, and the Associate Dean (Education) of the College of Asia and the Pacific of the Australian National University. Stephan has widely published on Australian defence policy, defence planning and strategy, nuclear weapons and NATO. Stephan was the Fulbright Professional Fellow in Australia-US Alliance Studies at Georgetown University in Washington DC in 2017. He worked as a ‘Partner across the globe' research fellow in the Research Division of the NATO Defense College in Rome in 2015, and was a member of the Australian Government’s External Panel of Experts on the development of the 2016 Defence White Paper. Previously, he was the inaugural Director of Studies of the ANU Master in Military Studies program at the Australian Defence Force’s Australian Command and Staff College, where he worked from 2011 to 2013, and Managing Editor of the Kokoda Foundation’s journal Security Challenges from 2006 to 2014.

Stephan Fruhling 박사는 전략‧방어 연구센터의 부교수이자, 호주 국립대학 아시아태평양대 부학장이다. 호주 방어정책, 방어 전략기획, 핵무기와 나토와 관련한 저서를 다수 발간하였다. 2017년 워싱턴 소재 Georgetown 대학교의 호주-미국 동맹 연구 Fulbright 전문 펠로우였고, 2015년 로마 소재 나토대학에서 범세계 파트너 연구 펠러우를 지냈다. 2016년에는 호주 국방백서 개발을 위한 전문가 패널에 참여하기도 했다. 2011년과 2013년에는 호주군 참모대학의 군사학 석사과정의 초기 학장을 역임했다.